Sunday, October 30, 2011

Wesley's Blue Eyes

The two things people comment on the most about Wesley is his very blond hair (which both his mommy and daddy had as babies) and his very blue eyes. Reid doesn't have blue eyes but...

Mommy has blue eyes!

And you can see where Mommy got her blue eyes (Wesley with his paternal grandpa)!

Wesley's Pumpkin Patch Visit

Wesley was not too sure what to do at the pumpkin patch... I'm supposed to walk around and pick one?

In the corn maze with the whole family (minus the cats). The dogs threw up collectively six times on the way to the pumpkin patch (which was in Canon City, about 3 hours away and up in the mountains).
Wesley hanging out in the corn "sand" box. It was about 2pm by this time, he hadn't napped and was almost falling asleep in the corn. In fact, he fell asleep within minutes of hitting his carseat.
Oh! You want me to pose? No problem.
This is when I learned that Wesley recognizes and knows what to do when you ask him to smile.
Helping mommy carve the pumpkin he chose... this is about as close as he got to it (it's sticky!). We set it out on a table on our back porch when it was carved... two days later, it was in the back of the yard chewed on by, what we assume, was Tater... naughty dog! Guess next year the front step will be a safer place.

A New Start

My life has changed dramatically since I started my other (new defunct) blog The World of Jenna N. I started that blog to keep my family abreast of our move from Virginia to Colorado to start my new job as an asst. professor of theatre. It served that purpose greatly and I love to go back and look at as it serves as a good journal from those years. However, once my son was born in January 2010, the focus of the blog shifted and I felt that all I was sharing was Wesley. Then I got discouraged that I wasn't fulfilling the "mission" of the blog. So I didn't post for a long time...
With this blog the focus is on my journey in motherhood and specifically on my son, Wesley. It's another way for grandparents and family/friends to keep up with what is happening with Wesley. There is no pressure for daily or even weekly posting (which with a full time plus job and a family just logistically is not likely to happen).
Enough with the explanation. First real post... Halloween prep!